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  2011年8月,罗马   有迹象表明H5N1型高致病性禽流感的变异菌株正在亚洲及其他地区传播,并给人类健康造成不可预知的威胁。为此,粮农组织今天呼吁加强防范和监测工作,以防该致命性疫病卷土重来。根据世卫组织的统计,H5N1型病毒自2003年首次出现以来,已感染565人,其中331人死亡。最新死亡病例上周发生在柬埔寨。该国今年已记录在案的人类感染病例达8起 – 均为致命性的。自2003年以来,因H5N1型病毒死亡或被扑杀的家禽超过400万只,在全球范围造成的经济损失约为200亿美元,63个曾在2006年疫病传播高峰期受到侵染的国家大部分已消灭了该病毒。然而,病毒仍在六个国家流行,虽然在家禽和野生鸟类种群中暴发的次数稳步减少,从高峰期的4000次降至2008年年中期的仅302次。但随后疫情暴发数量逐步增加,在2010-2011年记录了近800起。


  此外,2008年显示出H5N1病毒在家禽和野生鸟类中传播的地理范围再度扩大。粮农组织首席兽医官胡安·卢布罗兹认为传播范围的扩展估计与候鸟的迁徙有关。他说,鸟类的迁徙有助于病毒远距离传播,导致在过去24个月里H5N1型病毒出现在一些国家的家禽或野生鸟类中,而这些国家几年来一直未出现过该病毒。“野生鸟类可能将病毒引入,但其传播者则是参与家禽生产和销售活动的人,”卢布罗兹博士指出。最近受影响的地区涉及以色列、巴勒斯坦、保加利亚、罗马尼亚、尼泊尔和蒙古。他说,另一个值得关注的问题是,在中国和越南出现了一个变种病毒,显然能够避开现有疫苗的防御。越南今年暂停了春季家禽疫苗接种工作,而在H5N1流行的北部和中部大多数地区,一种名为H5N1 –的新毒株已在传播。





Bird Flu rears its head again 29-08-2011
Increased preparedness and surveillance urged against variant strain

Major resurgence H5N1 possible

29 August 2011, Rome - FAO today urged heightened readiness and surveillance against a possible major resurgence of the H5N1 Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza amid signs that a mutant strain of the deadly Bird Flu virus is spreading in Asia and beyond, with unpredictable risks to human health. 

The H5N1 virus has infected 565 people since it first appeared in 2003, killing 331 of them, according to WHO figures. The latest death occurred earlier this month in Cambodia, which has registered eight cases of human infection this year -- all of them fatal.

Since 2003 H5N1 has killed or forced the culling of more than 400 million domestic poultry and caused an estimated $20 billion of economic damage across the globe before it was eliminated from most of the 63 countries infected at its peak in 2006.

However, the virus remained endemic in six nations, although the number of outbreaks in domestic poultry and wild bird populations shrank steadily from an annual peak of 4000 to just 302 in mid 2008. But outbreaks have risen progressively since, with almost 800 cases recorded in 2010-2011.

Virus spread in both poultry and wild birds

At the same time, 2008 marked the beginning of renewed geographic expansion of the H5N1 virus both in poultry and wild birds. 

The advance appears to be associated with migratory bird movements, according to FAO Chief Veterinary Officer Juan Lubroth. He said migrations help the virus travel over long distances, so that H5N1 has in the past 24 months shown up in poultry or wild birds in countries that had been virus-free for several years.

"Wild birds may introduce the virus, but peoples' actions in poultry production and marketing spread it," Lubroth noted.

Recently affected areas are to be found in Israel and the Palestinian Territories, Bulgaria, Romania, Nepal and Mongolia.

A further cause for concern, Lubroth said, is the appearance in China and Viet Nam of a variant virus apparently able to sidestep the defences provided by existing vaccines.

In Viet Nam, which suspended its springtime poultry vaccination campaign this year, most of the northern and central parts of the country -- where H5N1 is endemic -- have been invaded by the new virus strain, known as H5N1 -

High alert

Viet Nam's veterinary services are on high alert and reportedly considering a novel, targeted vaccination campaign this fall. Virus circulation in Viet Nam poses a direct threat to Cambodia, Thailand and Malaysia as well as endangering the Korean peninsula and Japan further afield. Wild bird migration can also spread the virus to other continents.

"The general departure from the progressive decline observed in 2004-2008 could mean that there will be a flareup of H5N1 this fall and winter, with people unexpectedly finding the virus in their backyard," Lubroth said. 

The countries where H5N1 is still firmly entrenched – Bangladesh, China, Egypt, India, Indonesia and Vietnam – are likely to face the biggest problems but no country can consider itself safe, he said.

"Preparedness and surveillance remain essential," Lubroth underlined. "This is no time for complacency. No one can let their guard down with H5N1."



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